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Critical Transfeminist Design

This seminar -led by Laura Benitez- was a eye-opening journey to an unknown territory for me full of alternative thinking and sometimes alternative wording of familiar concepts and that made unexpected connections in my mind. It was refreshing in the sense that it brought usually unheard voices of design world to our classroom.

I left it with more to read and learn than I learnt about, also thanks to the “indecencies” in Renfe trains from Sitges that made me miss a major part of these classes that I was looking forward to.

We touched upon so many concepts that were eye-opening and that I want to continue exploring on my own time. It’s impossible to cover them in a reflection of this length, but some of the key takeaways for me include:

  • The design justice network principles were very close to my heart and what I practice in my profession as a service designer - which was a relief that I was not oblivious to everything I was hearing about this class.
  • The concept of subaltern was new to me, but very impactful in understanding the oppression of marginalized groups and how they have been kept voiceless in dominant narratives.
  • I wasn’t expecting so much connection to Biohacking, and I was surprised to see so much going on in Barcelona in this space.
  • The role of fiction was discussed in class - it's a very interesting topic that made me evaluate whether I could use it as a tool in future projects.
  • I also appreciated how different the slides were in terms of style and visual design: This made me reflect on the fact that how slides are becoming alike in our time regardless of their source and target audiences.
  • Being grateful for this seminar, I’m listing some references here for the sake of my personal documentation: - [transhackfeminism_en]( - [Pirate Care]( - [Read the Principles — Design Justice Network](
    Last update: June 14, 2023